Same Day Delivery GTA
What areas do you offer same day delivery to?
We offer same day delivery within a 20 KM radius from our Etobicoke location at 4943 Dundas St West.
Once you enter your postal code you will be able to select same day delivery if your postal code is within our delivery zones.
What time should I place my order for same day delivery?
Same day delivery orders must be placed by 11:30 AMΒ Monday to Friday. Orders placed after 11:30 AM will be delivered the next day. All orders placed on the weekends will be delivered on Monday by 7:00 PM.
What time should I expect to receive my order?
All orders placed by 11:30 AM are delivered by 7:00 PM.Β
Do you offer contact free delivery?
Yes - Your safety is our number one priority! The driver will text you once the delivery has been completed.
Is there a minimum orderΒ for same day delivery?
How much is the delivery charge?
Same day delivery charge is $12